Contact Manitoba
Friendship Centre

Brandon Friendship Centre
Executive Director: Robin Nishibata
425 Eveline Street
Selkirk, Manitoba R1A 2J5
Phone: (204) 482-7525
Fax: (204) 785-8124
Email: edsfc@mymts.net

Selkirk Friendship Centre
Executive Director: Robin Nishibata
425 Eveline Street
Selkirk, Manitoba R1A 2J5
Phone: (204) 482-7525
Fax: (204) 785-8124
Email: edsfc@mymts.net

Dauphin Friendship Centre
Executive Director: Jeremy Smith
210 – 1st Ave. NE
Dauphin, Manitoba R7N 1A7
Phone: (204) 638-5707
Fax: (204) 638-4799
Email: dfcexec@mymts.net

Flin Flon Friendship Centre
Executive Director: Shelly Craig
57 Church Street
Flin Flon, Manitoba R8A 1K8
Phone: (204) 687- 3900
Fax: (204) 687-5328
Email: exec_dir@mymts.net

Lynn Lake Friendship Centre
Executive Director: Marilyn Hunt
625 Gordon Street
Lynn Lake, Manitoba R0B 0W0
Phone: (204) 356-2407
Fax: (204) 356-8223
Email: llfced@live.ca

Portage Friendship Centre
Executive Director: Shirly Bernard
20 – 3rd Street NE
Portage La Prairie, Manitoba R1N 1N4
Phone: (204) 239-6333
Fax: (204) 856-2470
Email: s_bernard@ptgfc.org

Riverton and District Friendship Centre
Executive Director: Tanis Grimolfson
P.O. Box 359
Portage La Prairie, Manitoba R1N 1N4
Phone: (204) 239-6333
Fax: (204) 856-2470
Email: s_bernard@ptgfc.org

Elbert Chartrand Friendship Centre
Executive Director: Ken Munro
1413 Main Street
Swan River, Manitoba R0L 1Z0
Phone: (204) 734-9301
Fax: (204) 734-3090
Email: info@elbertchartrandfc.com

The Pas Friendship Centre
Executive Director: Renee Kastrukoff
81 Edwards Avenue / P.O. Box 2638
The Pas, Manitoba R9A 1K7
Phone: (204) 627-7500
Fax: (204) 623-4268
Email: tpfc@mymts.net

Ma-Mow-We-Tak Friendship Centre
Executive Director: Dee Chaboyer
4 Nelson Road
Thompson, Manitoba R8N 0R6
Phone: (204) 677-0950
Fax: (204) 677-0970
Email: dchaboyer@mamowwetak.mb.ca

Winnipeg Indigenous Friendship Centre
Executive Director: Rachel Sansregret
45 Robinson Street
Winnipeg, Manitoba R2W 5H5
Phone: (204) 925-0300